Wednesday, 6 May 2015

My Happy Place...
Yes, I know ... I have been MIA for far, far too long.

It has been a crazy few months, busy with lots and lots happening .....

..... The reno's are continuing with a new water tank being delivered at the end of this week, a new kitchen has been ordered and is expected soon and the demolitions in the front room are continuing, slowly but surely.

...... New garden plans have been thought up and have started to be put into place.
I bought the first lot of plants for the garden for this years planting season (rather excited).

..... We spent a week in one of my favourite places, Ballarat, the main attraction there being Sovereign Hill - a vintage lovers paradise. There were so many ideas there I plan to use and many items were purchased to add to the house and garden.

But it is the little moments that count the most, don't they ????
There has been a few of those moments this week ......

...... We had the yummiest lunch at Mum and Dad's on Sunday to celebrate an early Mother's day and see them off on a three month trip around the West Coast of Australia. We had a lamb roast with all the trimmings, all the vegies were freshly picked out of Mum's vegie patch. We planted all our winter vegies over the weekend also ....... so I am looking forward walking out the backdoor to pick fresh vegies of our own. 

....... I am now curled up on the couch with a blanket over me the fire roaring and Jock (Mum and Dad's dog) curled up next to me. It is lovely to have a dog back in the house. He is staying with us until Mum and Dad's return.

..... Pottering out in the garden this afternoon instead of doing the dreaded housework.

...... Baking banana muffins the other night with Emily.
Not that she really needed my help at all, as she is a rather incredible cook for her age.

..... Lying in bed last night listening to the pouring (and I do mean pouring) rain on our tin roof. It is due to rain all week. Yeah !!!!! The first decent soaking for the season. The garden is loving it.

Mel xx

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