Sunday, 25 May 2014

Rhubarb and Berry Crumble
I thought I'd pop by and post a recipe that has become a family favourite of late.
We are in the middle of birthday celebrations at our old lady.
As well as Sally's birthday, all three kids have their birthday in April and May, all two weeks apart, and they have all requested the rhubarb and berry crumble for dessert for their birthday dinner.
It is a very quick and easy dessert to make and rather delicious and yummy.
Rhubarb and Berry Crumble
1 bunch of Rhubarb
1 packet of frozen mixed berries
1 1/2 cups of brown sugar
50 grams of butter
1 cup of plain flour
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
Heat the rhubarb and berries with 1/2 cup of sugar on low heat until softened.
Transfer the mixture into a baking dish.
Mix the flour, cinnamon and remaining sugar in a bowl.
Create the crumble by rubbing the butter through the flour and sugar mixture.
Pour the crumble mixture over the berry mixture.
Cook in a 180 degree oven for 30 mins.
Mel xx



Friday, 23 May 2014

Friday Favourites
Happy Friday and Weekend, Everyone.

Well, what a wonderful week of fine weather we have had here.
Unseasonably warm, but great for doing some garden jobs.
We have been removing some trees that were scraggly and overgrown (as well as piles of rocks that had been hidden under the trees) along one of the fence lines to make way for some more hedge plants. I am also planning to plant a weeping mulberry ( I have always had a soft spot for weeping trees) in the area also (I will post some photos soon).

We will be working on that garden area over the weekend as I am keen to get it planted as soon as possible to make the most of the winter rains.

Ok, I have had a few op-shop finds over the last few weeks...

These gorgeous little enamel spice containers for $10.
I have never seen any quite like these.
I am quite excited about adding these to my green and cream enamel collection.
 I did do a little happy dance as soon as I spotted them.

The old hand embroidered napkins, a vintage biscuit cutter,
the Cadbury Cocoa tin and an old bread and butter plate all for $6.
Whenever I find old bits of crockery in op-shops
I buy them and we use it as our every day plates, it is quite an eclectic mix.

 Have a fabulous weekend, Friends.
Mel xx


Sunday, 18 May 2014

The To-Do List…..

Hi Vintage Lovers,

Life is Hectic, isn't it ?!

If it's not one thing it's another and there's always something happening or needing to be done...especially with kids. They certainly keep you on your toes, which is a good thing, don't get me wrong, it keeps life interesting... and what would life be without all the craziness?
But, there has been a few things that have taken a back seat of late like finishing off the kitchen that has been put on the back burner for a bit too it is time to do a little finishing off.
So here is The To-Do List......
We need to look at replacing the Cupboard Doors
Open Shelfing
Finish restoring The Fridge
Paint the Kitchen Ceiling
Finishing off the kitchen Window
So that's our jobs for the next little while as well as getting a few garden jobs done also.
Just five jobs......that's all.
They shouldn't take to long........hopefully.
But you never you ???

Mel xx


Saturday, 10 May 2014

A Thought For Today…

Happy Mother's Day, Vintage Lovers.
Enjoy your day and I hope you get spoilt rotten.
Mel xx

Friday, 9 May 2014

Friday Favourites

Happy Friday Friends. 

 We have had a very special celebration at our old lady this week...
our beautiful Sally turned fourteen, yes fourteen. 
A major milestone in any puppy's life.

Now, you may have spotted her in photos from time to time on the blog - she is never far from where the action is happening.

She is the most sweetest and most gorgeous "human with fur" you could possibly meet. Yes, I am a little biased, but we love her so very much and she is a very special part of our family.

We adopted Sally after falling in love with a friends Border Collie.
Sally was the cutest puppy and as soon as I saw her in the pen with her brothers and sisters she wandered over to me and I said:
"She's the one"

So, she came home with us, and she really has been the perfect dog.


She is certainly a typical Border Collie and is happy to be guarding the sheep, cattle, chooks or outside helping us in the garden. She is always where the action is and even now loves a good game of footy and cricket...

...Table Tennis, or a long walk on the beach.

She dotes over the kids and has always slept right next to the cot when they were having naps. Even now when they are sick she is never far way. They even used her to balance on when they learnt to walk. She never minded a bit.

For most of her life she has been Miss Independent but spends a lot of time sleeping and taking it easy these days...

...and she doesn't like being that far away from us anymore.

So she comes with us whenever she can...
and we wouldn't have it any other way.
We adore her...can't you tell?
 Mel xx




Thursday, 1 May 2014

Friday Favourites
Happy Friday, Everyone !!!

After a very relaxing and enjoyable Easter and ANZAC period it is now back to day to day life for us.
So after grocery shopping, arranging school drop-offs and pick-ups, visits to the doctor, footy practise, school band and so on, I feel like I am still trying to catch my breath. And now the washing machine has decided to stop working... I have decided to take a little spell from all the jobs have a cup of tea and focus on something a adore –
VINTAGE of course !!!
So, for this weeks Friday Favourites I would like to share with you one of my most treasured items -
My set of vintage aluminium picnic cups. 
I cherish them as they belonged to my Grandparents...and I use them when ever possible.

They are certainly not a big or expensive item, but they are priceless to me non the less.....

These style of cups became almost throw away items in the age of plastic but are now making a comeback in popularity, and are extremely collectible.

It is one thing to find the odd cup, or maybe even a set, but if you can find a full set like this that still has the leather case, well, that is a real treasure.......

Have a fabulous weekend, Friends.
Mel xx